A little about me..

Hello, I’m Becky.

I don’t even know where to start as my journey is a bit of a long one, I’ll make this one brief!

Many moons ago I moved to the Scottish Borders from the Island of Mull, West Coast and met my husband, we have two grown up kids together and when my youngest was just born I decided I’d retrain as a Midwife. Sitting my Highers at night class, I tried 4 times to get into Uni but I was unsuccessful each time. Totally gutting, but I accepted that it wasn’t the path I was supposed to be on and I set up Enamay Photography.
My Photography business is now 12 years old now but there has always been a niggle for something else to do with motherhood, to help and to make a difference. So I decided to retrain and to set up The Infant Feeding Coach Scotland.
I have now become a qualified Infant Feeding Coach / Breastfeeding Counsellor, having under gone 16 weeks of intensive training and a final exam.
Things I love to do, - Travel in our van, walk my dog Mungo who is a Bulldog X Boxer, you can’t beat the squishy face. I love to Paddle board, meet new people and help.
Twenty Twenty four has been a tough year for our family, with the

loss of important family members.

So I am grabbing life by the horns and carving it to how I want.

There is a lot more to this story and if you're lucky (or not) I shall tell you in person!

Becky x